House Speaker Papali’i Li’o Masepa’u has locked out the opposition Human Rights Protection Party from Parliament and closed off the grounds at Tiafau Malae to the general public.

No un-sworn HRPP elected Member of Parliament is allowed into the House when it is called to session tomorrow morning, Tuesday, 14 September 2021.

The general public will also be denied entry except for CEOs and heads of Government enterprises.

The ground at the Tiafau Malae is ruled off limit to any public gathering.

The Speaker’s ruling sets up a heads on confrontation with announced plans by the opposition party for its elected members to attend the first session of the new Parliament.

The closing of the Tiafau Malae is to keep HRPP supporters from gathering outside Parliament in a show of support of the party elected MPs.

An official reaction from the HRPP leader, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, is expected later this afternoon.

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