By Mataeliga Pio Sioa

Where do you draw the line between a criminal offence and a political one?

Amnesty International maybe interested in the answer.

There is an Australian citizen the prestigious human rights watchdog worry will not get a fair trial if extradited to Samoa to stand trial for a criminal offence.

The man is of Samoan heritage and is charged with conspiracy to murder Samoa’s Prime Minister.

 Since the leader of the country is involved, Amnesty International questions even the integrity of the local Judiciary to judge the accused fairly.

 Have to feel very badly for our judges of the Supreme Court for that.  Be that as it may, will bringing in an outside judge to preside make AI happy?

 Let’s say we do that.  Is that enough? Surely that can be easily arranged.

The accused is fighting an application by Samoa’s Office of the Attorney General to have him brought to Samoa to defend himself against the criminal allegations.

There is an extradition hearing coming up in Australia and it will decide. 

Since the accused is an Australian citizen the burden of proof for the court to rule in favour of the AG’s application is on the evidence of the alleged crime.

 If AI is sceptical of fair trial for the accused in Samoa why not sit in at the extradition hearing since it already has vested interest in it?

Let the evidence of criminal intention against the accused, help to restore some of the good image of Samoa and the integrity of its judiciary, they have ruined already.

If the court decides not extradite the accused then so be it.  The Office of the Attorney General will go over the court ruling and consider options.

But Samoa has a right to want this man brought home to stand trial. Hopefully the evidence against the alleged conspiracy crime will come out and be dealt with accordingly.

If he is innocent he is free to go.  If not he deserves to be punished according to the law. 

 There are others suspected of the same criminal allegations as co-conspirators. What have they to say when they appear in an open court and the alleged acts of crime against them are revealed?

Is it fair that they carry the full weight of the burden if they are found guilty while their co-conspirator runs free in Australia?

Maybe AI would have a say in where the justice is for that. Would they say Australia is harbouring a criminal and should be condemned for making a mockery of justice?

Should they also accuse Australia of political motivation for playing politics to protect a citizen without any sense of moral obligation to see justice done?

Is it wrong for Samoa to want an alleged criminal brought home to answer to serious offences not just to the country’s leader but also to the country as a whole?

AI has a responsibility to weigh what they have to say carefully before they jump like a berserk elephant into a china store.

If they are concerned enough about justice or the lack of it if the accused is brought to Samoa why not investigate carefully before going verbal?

Do your own independent investigation and be fair about it . If your fears are confirmed to be true then go full blast if that will make you happy and justified.

If not then do the right thing and repair whatever damage was done.  We all have our national and cultural identities to be proud of whatever that may be.

When you smear that with unfounded allegations you do us an injustice.

When it bears out to be true then it will sting and hurt but it will also do us good by pointing out where we need to mend.

There is a lot of truth behind the saying “ With great power comes great responsibility.”

An organisation like Amnesty International with a lot of power and influence to wield around the international community, great responsibility and care must also be taken.

 A person of foreign nationality is alleged to have conspired to harm our democratically elected leader and threatened to disrupt our peace and harmony on the island.

All we want is for that person to be brought before our court to be duly judged under internationally accepted laws?

It is a very sad day when an innocent nation is smeared by a supposedly responsible organisation whose actions may itself be politically motivated.

Lord today is our White Sunday.  Hope the children are not too loud on Your day of rest.

They are innocent in their praises not politically motivated Lord.

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