By Mataeliga Pio Sioa

Of course the EFKS ‘faifeau’ are canvassing the faithful to vote out the present Government.  To be fair not all of the faifeau are doing that.

But the ‘faifeau’ influence is the talk of this general elections coming up in April.

Contrary to the angry name calling by the EFKS General Secretary Rev. Vavatau Taufao, not all people are fools or stupid fools too.

Maybe he has not heard the talk.  In that case he should be forgiven.

When the ‘faifeau’ tells a meeting of congregation representatives to vote for the opposition party, he is not talking to stupid fools.

But what ‘faifeau’ will brazenly preach on a very sensitive and divisive matter such as political leadership loyalties?

There is a rule in some places where people gather to socialise not to talk politics.

Is the ‘faifeau’ being a fool or a stupid fool by blatantly defying the boundaries between state and religion God in His infinite wisdom laid?

Jesus was not talking to fools or stupid fools when He spoke about what should belong to Caesar and what God owns.

Hopefully the EFKS ‘faifeau’ are not on an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth warpath for being forced to pay income taxes. 

If faith in the divine wisdom of the Lord is their message of Christianity why are they doing the talk and not the walk if the Government has done them wrong by being made to pay taxes?

Where is the faith in the justice of the Lord?

The faifeau tax argument is the ‘alofa’ money they get is an offering by the people of the faith to the Lord and it is already taxed.

Has the Lord whispered into their hearts to call on the faithful to cross the boundaries and depose the rule of Caesar because he took what belongs to God?

What about another teachings of the bible that all authorities are from God?

The contradictions of the ‘faifeau’ encroaching into the politics of the state in the build up to the general elections appear endless and utterly confusing.

If the EFKS General Secretary believes only people who are fools or stupid fools are confused by the contradictions of the actions and the teachings of the bible the ‘faifeau’ preach then he is making it worse.

It will be a struggle for any normal God fearing person to maintain sanity when the ‘faifeau’ preaches all kinds of heavenly delights and then does the opposite.

If the ‘faifeau’ succeeds in voting in a Government of their choice obviously the income tax law will be repealed.

Is that justice served or does that open up more room for chaos?  The Government argument is the faifeau tax money pays for a lot of things like school costs so children can benefit from free education.

What in Heavens name is wrong with that? Will the Lord approve or not of where the ‘faifeau’ tax money is spent?

Does it matter what someone once said that the rewards of those who serve the Lord are not of this world?   

What will become of a Government that the EFKS ‘faifeau’ placed in power? Will they be at the beck and call of the church they are indebted to for putting them there?

What about the other denominations looking on and seeing where the blessings are tipped?

Will they too follow the EFKS ‘faifeau’ lead and work to put their own Government in power the next time new general elections are called?

As this new taste for political power takes off in the churches where is that going to leave the people with their faith in God and loyalties to their political leadership beliefs?

Have they been confused enough by how the church contradicts the talk and the walk of its own teachings of the holy word?

Is there any danger lurking there somewhere of people running around like fools or stupid fools not knowing whether to walk, talk or do both?

As a Christian country founded on God what risks are there to our unity and stability as a nation if the boundaries of God and Caesar are too blurred to see clearly?

Is this not the reason why God made those boundaries of authority very clear so people are spared the pain of being turned into fools or stupid fools by their own actions?

On the other hand if we are fools or stupid fools what is the big fuss.  Who cares?

What do you say Lord?

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