By Mataeliga Pio Sioa

 Is our general election safe?   Should we be asking that question? 

 The National Council of Churches’ (NCC) call to pray and fast during the Holy Easter Commemorations for the success of our general election, is in keeping with their Christian leadership role.

 Peace and calm has to prevail in the hearts of people.

 Are there any doubts?

If there are, then it gives an ominous pitch to the call by the Church Council.

The tone in this pre-election build up has turned angry and bitter unlike all the others before in Samoa.

Mockery of election candidates with smear and slander from the hidden safety of social media went unchecked and still does.

Deliberate lies and misinformation fostered by political, vengeful ambition, were measured to poison innocence with malice.

The most recent example is an allegation in the local media that the Deputy Speaker raped a woman.

The issue was dragged out before the viewing public by a recent EFKS church television commentary programme.

The fact that it was a church media that desecrated the graveyards of unproven criminal allegations, to smear the Deputy Speaker only days from the election, is a disgrace.

All the Christian teachings of justice and fairness by this particular faith are against what they preach as coming from God.

 Is it because they want to play God and bring in a new Government to run Samoa for the next 5 years so the ‘faifeau’ does not have to pay taxes? 

Yes we do need to pray for that one.

Harmony in the villages is torn asunder by the ‘sweet talk’ of political seduction to claim the ultimate prize of taking the vote to bed.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the ‘sweet talk’ but there is when it is at the expense of truth and integrity.  

You may in the end claim the coveted prize but does it matter what the costs are to the broken lives left to litter the pathway to your glorious triumph?

The diaspora outside of Samoa has brought so much conflict and grief to bear in this general election, through the social media.

Samoa has never been so exposed to this kind of direct, uncontrolled and highly threatening influence from outside the country on its general election.

The risks of serious divisions erupting into election violence are not to be taken lightly.

Peace and safety of our election is a responsibility those of us living in Samoa must take very seriously.   Our safety and those of our loved ones depends on it.

The hard facts are, if violence breaks out the people who will suffer the physical and emotional pain the most are us living in Samoa.

To put it bluntly who gets to be put into a 6-foot hole? 

Who ends up at the TTM Hospital bloodied and in bruises fighting for dear life?

While we suffer, where are the social media warriors who incited the violence from the comforts of hidden identities at homes in Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, Wellington …..?

Are remittance money thrown into our faces by our out of Samoa and out of touch kinsfolks, enough to buy condolences for our grieving hearts?

Better to bring this out in the open now than as a regrettable aftermath.  We do not need any post election trauma please.

Samoa boasts of its political stability.  Culture and church are credited for its hard rock foundation.

But what if the rock is corroded and corrupted by the arrogance of outside influence and dirty politics?

The NCC wants us to pray and fast for God’s peace to prevail.  We have to.  As a  country founded on God we do need to fast and pray.

If ever there is a time when the presence of the Holy Spirit is needed more than any other ocasssion it is when the results of the general elections are announced. 

  Easter is a celebration of the sacrifice our Saviour Jesus Christ made for us.

The Son of Man died a violent death on the cross so our souls may enter Heaven.

If those of us living in Samoa die from political violence will that save our country from descending into Hell?

Is all this political outrage a test whether we are ready to sacrifice our only life for our political ambitions?

Are all the lies and the rage for power worth it?

Lord forgive the angry tone but this is beyond us.  How about some peace in our hearts!!

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