By Mataeliga Pio Sioa

Speaker Papali’i Li’o Masepa’u has two choices.

His first is to throw the Standing Orders of the House at Tuilaepa and his defiant HRPP opposition and point them to the door.

You do not need to be familiar with the biblical fires of inferno to know how that will turn out.

His second is to appreciate the merits of their wish for the dignity of Parliament to be restored and go with it.

Expect angels to be singing his praises at the Tiafau Malae when he does that.  It will make a welcome change from angry women protesting sexual discrimination.

What will it be?

Unfortunately for the man, he has to tow the party line.  

When the hawks in the party wants him to throw those Standing Orders the only words they want to hear back from him is how far or how high.

If he does then his character as a person with leadership responsibilities are defined.  Good or bad that is a matter open to opinion.

The religious faithful will judge him either as a man appointed by the grace of God or by the will of his political party.

As Speaker of the House he has a responsibility that goes beyond his political obligations.

He is a servant of the people of Samoa entrusted by his oath to God to serve them with all his strength and to the best of his abilities.

The people of this land are politically divided.  Political instability has lingered since the April general elections failed to determine a conclusive ending.

When Speaker Papali’i makes his choice on Tuesday it will determine what course the country will take next.

Boot the HRPP crowd back to the Maota i Petesa headquarters and to by-elections, if they want to return to Parliament, and it extends the current pathway of political chaos and insecurity.

Hopefully it will not escalate into more serious consequences we will all regret and have been doing so all these past months.

Swear-in the HRPP with the Head of State present and the reaction will blow across like fresh breeze carrying real hope of a return to normal.

Yes the opposition party and their supporters everywhere will celebrate as their leaders have already called on them to do so when the time comes.

For the ruling party at the Government helm, what more do they need other than not wanting to see their political rivals celebrate and be happy?

Rather than be petty why not look at the bigger promise of good that may evolve out of the goodwill from the swearing-in.

The Speaker has to take this up seriously with all the powers vested in him to reject or accept.

If he decides to swear-in the HRPP members, it will be the first real genuine step towards taking all of us out of this political mess.

With a full Parliament in session we can all start moving forward.  

Do all your political fighting inside the House where it was designed for that particular purpose only.

The streets are for the public to travel on their daily businesses.  It was not built for protesters to stamp their feet and raise their angry voices at the injustices whether real or not of politics.

What will it be Mr. Speaker? 

This is a weight that you should bear on your own because it is not the political party that the country expects to be the judge and the jury but yourself.

This responsibility sits on your front door. 

The opportunity cannot be passed on.   In this environment of political hostility we are all suffering through it is too precious to let go.

With a simple yes to having His Highness present at the swearing-in and the dignity and respect of his office and the Constitution is restored.

What possible harm is there in doing that?

Will the country be in arms when that is done or will they be in tears of relief that we are finally heading in the right direction?

These are all the questions and more Mr. Speaker that you now hold the answers. Whatever those answers are they will live with you long beyond the end of your political career.

These same answers will also be brought up on your day of judgment before the Lord who trusted you with the wisdom of your calling to the high office.

Yes it is your day of rest Lord but our Mr. Speaker needs the blessings of Your guidance on Tuesday.

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