By Mataeliga Pio Sioa

The FAST Government is in place. Move on! Let them show what they can do.

The outcry is appealing, and the ruling party supporters are turning up the volume, wherever and whenever, for all to hear and hopefully agree.

Yes! Yes! Please lets’ do that.   Turn on a new political leaf and lets’ move on. Lets go!

Where do we start? Who should start?

The sooner we establish that foundation the quicker we get off the mark and ‘move on.’

PM Fiame and her ruling FAST party have the political leadership reins.  As leaders it is their job to lead the country and not just their vocal supporters.

What about the rival opposition party – they are leaders too.  Indeed, they are and have an assigned role to undertake.

In the accepted principles of democracy, the opposition leadership, becomes the Government conscience.

The job falls on the former PM Tuilaepa and the opposition HRPP party he leads.

Their leadership role is to always be on the alert as faithful watchdogs to make sure our political rulers of the day are on the right track. 

Make sure the ruling policies are truly intended for the wellbeing of the people and the integrity of democratic rule is upheld.

The primary focus therefore on public responsibility is on the FAST-led Government that has been in power now, just shy of two years.  

If, sadly, what we are hearing after all that time is an outcry for Government to be allowed to move on, obviously it is not. What is the problem? Why is it not resolved?

The legitimacy of the FAST Government has been challenged by the opposition from the start and the option at the time to resolve the conflict was to call fresh general elections.

 A Judiciary ruling rejected the option by legitimizing the FAST Government as the rule of law.

A higher Judiciary verdict on appeal, only recently, rejected the earlier ruling as NOT the rule of law. 

But too late to call new elections or stop the FAST Government rule as illegal.

Where we go from there is now hanging like a foreboding cloud over our upside down Wok House at the Tiafau Malae.

Would the return to the polls be a better start? Hell yes! It would decide for us the people once and for all our true democratic choice of leadership.

When the true wish of the majority is decided the doorway is thrown wide open to ‘move on’. Whatever doubts there are about the will of the people are blown away. 

Doubters shut up on their own free will and made to move on whether they like it or not.

BUT that is not the case and at this point it appears too far gone to hope for change or any shot at restoring harmony in our turbulent political landscape.

Proof of that is on the most recent display of muscle power by the FAST-Government giving more Parliamentary whip lashing on an already suspended Tuilaepa and party secretary MP Lealailepule.

This time it is to silence them from making public comments that will disrespect the dignity of Parliament. 

On top of that, the FAST dominated House, forced the appointment of deputy opposition leader, Lauofo, to take over from Tuilaepa as opposition leader inside Parliament.

Speaker Papali’i deemed it disrespectful to PM Fiame for Lauofo to oppose her as the opposition deputy and not the leader.

Parliament’s new muzzling rules that is likely to add more suspension time for Tuilaepa and Lealailepule, met with resounding condemnation from the MPs.

Firstly, it was felt to be a violation of their constitutional rights for freedom of expression and secondly, they will be taking up the matter with court.

Now we have another matter to add to the pile up the Judiciary is already forced to deal with.

Let’s come back to the call for the Government to be allowed to ‘move on’?

Who is to blame for the delays? Is it the fault of Government through Parliament or the opposition suspended leaders and their legal protests?

If the role of Government is to lead, then they are doing a poor job thus far where the protests by the opposition leaders are concerned.

Yes, Tuilaepa and Lealailepule are mouthing off about Government policies like the million tala offer to electoral districts, but is that not their role as conscientious opposition watchdogs?

Does that make them villains or victims to mock what has become of the million tala offer? Was it genuine or just to fool the people into winning their votes as the opposition leaders are asking?

If that is bad mouthing PM Fiame and her Government is that not part of their leadership role?  Of course, it is for crying out loud.

Do they have to be suspended and made to suffer by not being paid for the 2 year suspension period by doing their jobs?

 What about the sham of getting Parliament to shut them up by taking away their constitutional right to speak freely without cracking the whip on their backs again?

How about the lame excuse of forcing deputy leader Lauofo to be opposition leader in the House so as not to disrespect the PM?

Who is fooling whom in all this? We have our own saying for that …” E le valea uma vale.”

Unfortunately, this is the ongoing political backdrop that is sowing prolonged grief and disharmony in our Samoa.

Are we not a country where the church bells echo loudly every Sunday for everyone throughout the land to bow in prayers for the blessings of peace and harmony?

Where does it end? When does it end? How will it end?

Maybe it is also worth noting, that when we were having a strong Government and weak opposition, Samoa enjoyed regional envy of economic and social success.

Now that we have a strong opposition against a Government of newcomers in politics, we have become the butt end of a sick joke?

Where and how can we climb back up from where we are at the bottom of the shameful barrel?

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