By Mataeliga Pio Sioa

The resignation by the Electoral Commissioner Faimalomatumua Mathew Lemisio, was always going to be a matter of WHEN not WHY.

The WHEN came only a few days ago when he finally handed in a 2-weeks mandatory resignation notice.

His decision was greeted as long overdue by a huge wave of expressed public appreciation for service to the country.

Faimalomatumua endured with a dedicated resolve to the call of duty, the ugly abuse from angry FAST politicians and their supporters, in the fall out from the April general elections.

He was forced to front up to the ordeal of political condemnation never before directed at a public servant head of Ministry or Corporation.

His alleged crime was in upholding the integrity of service he was sworn to undertake for the country. 

His political detractors did not like that.

The Government mouthpiece, La’auli, is the person he has to thank for orchestrating the furious FAST hate campaign launched against his work.

Behind the molten fumes of the La’auli incited FAST hatred, was the interpretation of two extra women seats in Parliament by the Electoral Commissioner

It matters very little also that the Court ruled Faimalomatumua was correct in his interpretation of the Constitution.

With the by-elections done just over a week ago it obviously became the final closure to the ordeal.  Time for him to move on.

But the abuse has not stopped. 

His impending resignation has again stirred more angry frothing from the Government mouth-piece, to incite fresh fanatical hounding by his political FAST base.

No Einstein brain is needed to see why all this renewed jumping up and down is coming from La’auli and Co.

Any deeply wounded animal would leap and roll over regardless of where, when and what on, for relief from the pain of denial.

They were were in a rage at being denied the satisfaction of the FAST Government sacking the Electoral Commissioner.

Their chief agitator had promised and appears to have failed to deliver.  Not the first time a promise he made landed flat on its face.

Now that Faimalomatumua has fended off with relative ease the threat of being yanked out into the streets of Apia, where is all this hatred by an angry political mob going to be directed at next?

Remember the promises by this FAST Government of  ‘cleaning out the swamp’ when they get in!

Is it possible this steaming anger and where it may end up, is being watched closely by the CEO community at Government Ministries and State Corporations?

Who is or are the next targets for all this aggression? 

Faimalomatumua was a prime target.  Now that he has shown them the proverbial finger where or who is all this rage to be aimed at next?

The question once again is what manner of Government would reward a hard working public servant with a boot up the proverbial arse?

What head of ministry of corporation is not dreading turning up to work in the morning fearful that his/her political masters have decided to terminate service?

How many CEOs are in a position fortunate enough to follow the Faimalomatumua transition lead?

When and will they ever be in a position to slam the office door with a pronounced middle finger salute before walking off happily to a new career challenge where they are appreciated?

As beneficiaries of quality service these public sector leaders provide for us, should we the public sit back and ignore all this?

Should we tolerate the deterioration of quality service because of political ambition that shows no respect for the boundaries of workers rights, job security and integrity?

The Public Service Association, PSA, has already voiced their concerns about the rights of the public sector workers.

Despite repeated attempts to dialogue with the Prime Minister to voice their concerns the best they have received from the Government leader is a run-around.

Not sure if the PM has ever run and passed the ball in a rugby game but she does appear to have natural ball passing skills.

One wonders if the CEOs and General Managers in the public sector are living in fear of being sacked from their jobs?

Faimalomatumua is the best person to ask for answers but he is a gentleman of integrity who will not speak ill of anyone – possibly even the devil.

He has kept the faith and was rewarded for it.

Indeed the Lord is just and will always provide.   

Malo Faimalomatumua.  Amuia oe

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