By Mataeliga Pio Sioa 

The best and most logical option for Fiame to take right now is to call general elections.

A coalition Government will only prolong the agony of being dragged along the political mess we are all in.

Take the blame for the shame her ruling FAST party has put on our proud leadership image and move on. 

Please we have wallowed in this God forsaken political muck too long.

FAST rode into power on the crest of political turbulence and now they are riding out the same way they came in.

Unfortunately this time their leadership unity badly shredded and in tatters.

Clean up the slate Fiame and walk out with a clean conscience.

 Calling general elections is the right choice. Would have said it is God’s Will but lets not join the ungodly chorus of, ’Using The Lord’s Name In Vain’.

The Heavenily Father must be cringing at the deafening use of His good name to dodge and hide the truth by the people He created as Samoans.

‘Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows’ is spot on if and when this political marriage of convenience do take place.

A coalition between the PM and the leader of opposition would indeed make strange bed partners.

The mind wanders.

Do they cuddle or lie back to back without touching?

Maybe at first they would lie facing the ceiling.

Where they turn next is what concerns us.

Do we want to wait and see how it turns out in the few months left of the term?

Would that leave the kind of firm leadership we desperately need to continue to dangle in limbo?

Will it stop Laauli’s loud, disruptive, banging at the door to claim his right to the same bed these two have taken up?

 How can we all return to a normal life of peace and quiet if he keeps up with his yelping door banging racket?

Tuilaepa should walk out of the room and leave Fiame to tidy up the bed for whoever uses it next before she too leaves. 

Going to the election polls is the key we hold to the person of our choice to lead us.

We hold the key to that door.

The key to a room needed to bed down any political coalition should be flushed out into the deep sea beyond the reef.

Tuilaepa agrees.  

Well he did before meeting up with Fiame at their Parliament House Committee meeting on Thursday.

Has he changed his mind? Let’s hope not.

He has already silenced any election budget worries by pointing his experienced finger to the ‘vire funding’ solution.

So what is stopping us from an early return to the election polls? Stop pestering God and His Will. Please.

The Lord gave us the freedom of Free Will. Leave Him in peace and lets go to the polls and learn if this is His Will.

No sin in that BUT a lot of relief for us and to our poor Lord too.

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