By Mataeliga Pio Sioa

The US Secret Service Director has resigned after Donald Trump was shot in the ear during an election campaign rally just a few days ago.

Fortunately for Trump, he walked out of the stage alive, despite clutching a painful, bleeding ear, surrounded by his Secret Service bodyguards.

The shooter was caught and is now locked up to be duly processed in the courts where legal punishment will be handed down,

End of story??

Not by a long shot. Not with the Americans. 

What the bigger reaction picture is starting to unfold is the powerful American system of checks and balances.

The resignation by the US Secret Service boss says a lot.  

Security for Trump was her responsibility as head of the men and women with special training for the job.

The American general public paid for this special service and demanded nothing less than high protective standards.

Unfortunately for the Director of the US Secret Service, Trump was shot under her watch.

Whether it was only a ‘scratch’ around the ear and the man walked off on his own two feet is of no relevance whatsoever.

Personal protection was breached.  If the bullet had found its true mark, Trump would be 6 feet under by now.  

The Secret Service Director’s resignation was decided fully on the weight of the Americans decisive moral sense of right and wrong.

The American public demanded a high standard of service from the US Secret Service.

In Trump’s case it failed. 

The US Secret Service Director may not have been personally on duty at the time of the attack but full responsibility was on her head.

Her resignation, however, is not closing the door on the shooting.  

US House leaders want a full accountable review of the failed security blanket that was in place at the time.

A task force is being organised to look into this whole shooting going forward.

Would the Americans’ handling of the US Secret Service security failure not worth pondering for Samoa with similar shooting incidents…going forward?

A senior police officer was shot and killed on Monday in the line of duty. 

The alleged killer is now locked up to be duly processed in court for legal punishment. All the Samoan public are left with at this point are snippets of unverified facts and gossip.

 Would it hurt the public demands for safety to set up an independent task force to review the fatal shooting?

Transparency and accountability have become everday terms for Samoans everywhere.

Should this be applied to our police service too?  

Should moral obligation weigh heavily on the conscience of those at the top level who approved this police raid that took the life of a senior officer?

A thought worth a reminder for us here is the US Secret Service Director who was forced by moral conscience to resign.

Heartfelt condolences to the family of detective sergeant Peniamina Perite who gave his life to serve and protect the people of Samoa.

Thank You Sir For Honouring Us, The People Of Samoa, With Your Service And Above All Your Life.

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