By Mataeliga Pio Sioa

Hearing the FAST leaders rage against the integrity of the Electoral Commissioner was painfully disappointing and a major leadership let down.

To blast away angrily at a highly sensitive time when the country is not stable is reckless and lacking in foresight and wisdom. 

Even threatening to remove him from his job if and when they come to power is frighteningly poor counsel.

Where is the regard for the consequences of stirring up more uncertainties and division at an emotionally fragile time?

Did they not stop to consider how other heads of Government Ministries and Enterprises will react to their own job securities with this kind of threat hanging on their heads for doing their jobs?

What possible damages would all that do to the hard and dedicated work by these leaders in the public service, blessed with the knowledge to carry them out for the good of Samoa?

How would they react if their reward is a new political party threatening to broom them out when they take over, as debris left behind by their departing former political masters?

If we are following the practicing footsteps in other countries what will that new policy door open up for us? 

Do we have the capacity to clean sweep and replace at a snap? What else?

Has the ambition for political power poisoned better judgement we all need right now to see us through this rough passage we are in?

 Are we at risk of reacting or retaliating blindly without any concern for peace and harmony?

Why make the poor man a scapegoat of the election results when the final decision lies with the Supreme Court ruling on the added woman MP?

Regardless of the decision by the Electoral Commissioner the court always has the final say that is what the Judiciary is there for.

Why roll out this political venom now?

After the way the FAST leaders have condemned him in the eyes and ears of everyone the Electoral Commissioner has a right to defend himself in public opinion.

Every man destined for the electric chair or the hanging gallows is granted one final request. 

His choice!

If not then maybe it is time he looks for his own peace by walking away.

 As long as he does knowing that he has done his job to the best of his abilities and with his faith in the divine guidance, God will provide.

He cannot ask for more even if it was from doing a thankless job.

Above all, seek not vengeance by politics blinded by poison.

Let God judge.

One thought on “MY SAY : Blind Not By Political Poison”
  1. Excellent Mr Editor
    There is a process and everyone should adhere and observe. No threatening language either untill the Courts have done their job. We just hope and pray for guidance. God bless Samoa.

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