Martha Taumata Faavae

 Samoa recorded the most number of returning  citizens from overseas in the region since Pacific Island countries began to close down their airports to protect against the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.

More than 6000 Samoans were able to come back according to Chairman Agafili Shem Leo of the national disaster co-ordinating committee NEOC.

 This number shows so many  Samoans scattered all over the world and who are requesting to come back.

This is a huge number not a small one  Agafili said. “ We could have made  some mistakes if God had not been with us,” he added.

Agafili said that people returning include those who lived in countries in which the virus is on a rampaging run.

“ NEOC and the Ministry of Health are monitoring very them closely according to conditions given to them.”

Samoa is still at Level One and the Chairman of NEOC continues to give advice for the people to familiarise themselves with wearing masks.

 “Talking through a mask is not easy but we must familiarise ourselves with wearing them. “We do not know what may happen in the future. The mask also protects us from other diseases.”

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