Martha Taumata Faavae

Men’s support for women’s causes was expressed in the march last week organised by women to protest against remarks by  Fa’atuatua ile Atua Samoa Ua Tasi  FAST Member of Parliament La’auli Leuatea Polataivao.

Among the men supporters was  70 year old Laumea Salaine Vaisa from Lona Fagaloa.

Laumea was supporting the march because he felt  for his daughters, wife, sisters and aunties. Also he comes from a village which values women where women make a lot of contributions.

 Last week he wanted to be part of the march to show his protest against the remarks by Laauli.

 “ What he said was ugly and  disrespectful and they caused this march. They may have been directed to one woman but his words really hurt and offended us all,”  Laumea told Newsline.

“ Our village value women for they contribute a lot to the development of the village. We value their advice.”

Also participating in the march was the village representative (pulenuu) of Tafaigata and Falelauniu Seufalemua Jasmania.

He condemned the remarks which he said had been heard globally.

Seufale said the words uttered by the member of Parliament were unpleasant, demeaning and devaluing for the women.

Seufale said he was marching because his sisters, wife and daughters  were precious to him.

“ Only a person who has no mother or sister would not react against those words,” Seufale said.

Seufale explained that the remarks by Laauli went against the Samoan culture where women were held in high regard.

“ In the Samoan culture the girls and women are treated with great respect. The girl  is the feagaiga (covenant). She is the apple in the eye of the brother would die for her.  Women are so respected that it is the men who are will to do all the hard work.”

“ Moreover, women are the life of a family, village, church and the country.”

Well over a thousand women and men took part in the march which started from the Government Building . 

The marchers congregated at the Parliamentary grounds at Mulinu’u where they lit candles, held a prayer service and addressed by selected speakers.

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