By Staff Writer 

The Sa Tiatia of Gataivai-Savai’i joined the long list of family clans involved in the chiefly ‘Matai’ Bestowal Season at the start of the New Year, 2024.

The family clan officially conferred chiefly ‘matai titles on 85 chosen holders that included the ruling title that holds overall command, Tiatia.

Close to half of the new title holders, or a total of 35, were family members who have taken up residence outside Samoa.

The bestowal ceremony also included 15 family women who were also accorded the same traditional recognition as family cultural leaders.

The last time the Sa Tiatia family of Gataivai village held a bestowal ceremony was 7 years ago on 26 December 2016.

The chiefly matai title bestowal season normally starts towards the end of the year up to the New Year .

The annual timing for many of the families is for the convenience of members who have set up families overseas, mainly in New Zealand, Australia and the US.

Chiefly ‘matai’ bestowals contribute much to the huge jump of arrival numbers at the end of year holiday travel to Samoa.

The honour of recognition as a newly chosen family ‘matai’ is a good excuse for the family to fly over to the ancestral homeland to celebrate and enjoy the happy season.

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