PRESS STATEMENT: A total of 182 farmers and fishers from Savaii signed their SAFPROM Matching Grant Programme (MGP) Agreements last week in Salelologa, marking another milestone in the progress of the World Bank and IFAD funded Project, as the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) now shift their focus to Upolu MGP applicants.

The Grant Signing sessions were held at the Apita o Pisaga hall last week on the 2nd and 3rd of September by Ministry staff who delivered 196 endorsed Grant Agreements to be signed by approved applicants .The ACEO for the Agriculture and Fisheries Sector Coordination Division (ASCD), Dr Ramona Sulifoa says the Ministry is pleased to arrive at this breakthrough in the progress of the SAFPROM Project after some delay during the early transition period of the new government.

“The SAFPROM Project is turning another page in its journey thanks to the hard work of our project partners in the MGP Committee and SAFPROM Advisory Committee who have devoted long hours to the arduous task of reviewing and endorsing every single business plan submitted by our participating farmers and fishers” said Dr Ramona. “We also thank our hard working farmers and fishers for their patience and cooperation at this time and we are looking forward to marking the next milestone when approved Upolu participants sign their Matching Grant Agreements at the end of this month late September or early October this year.”

Beef Cattle Producers, Ruth and Kelvin Aickin of Faala, Savaii were amongst the first group of applicants to sign their Matching Grant Agreements last Thursday. Mrs Aickin says since returning to her village of Faala almost 5 years ago, they have cleared and fenced 140 acres of family land with a vision to be fully self-sustainable and contribute to the development of their village and surrounding communities. 

“Our ambition is to grow food off the farm, process it ourselves, retail it to the markets and also sell to the resorts and restaurants in Savaii.” She said “We are trying to become fully self- sufficient and live off the land which is working – it just took a bit of time.”

Four years ago the couple began their farming journey by growing taro for export before moving into beef cattle farming. The family have successfully grown their beef livestock to 59 breeding cattle and a fattening block containing 30 steer with Mrs Aickin also adding that they have started a piggery and are raising over 100 chickens.

However one of the main obstacles to achieving their self-sustainability goals is the lack of access to water and electricity at their farm but with assistance from the SAFPROM Matching Grant Programme, the family will be acquiring much needed water tanks for better animal care and according to Mr Aickin, a butcher by trade from New Zealand, it will also mean a better quality product.

“Where our farm is located, we don’t have a river so there’s no access to water. What we have done is build big sheds with rainwater catchment that helps to feed our cattle with constant water. If your cattle have water, you’ll have a better product so when we sell our meat it’s nice and tender because the cows are happy.” Said Mr Aickin.

“Thanks to grant assistance through the project, we’ll be getting these water tanks which are the most important thing we need for our cattle farm right now. We think it’s really good what the Ministry of Agriculture has done to help build up farmers to become part of the system so thank you for all your work in putting this together and moving us forward for a sustainable Samoa.”

The Ministry aim to disburse the remaining grants by the end of the month or beginning of October to the final cohort of Savaii farmers and fishers who have signed their SAFPROM Matching Grant Agreements.

Following the endorsement of 1300 approved farmers and fishers in Samoa under the Matching Grant Programme earlier in the year; 1,035 participants have completed their training with 220 approved Upolu farmers and fisher remaining to go through the mandatory business planning and training sessions. To date 106 successful applicants in Savaii have received their MGP disbursements through goods and services with the remaining approved 260 Savaii farmers and fishers expected to receive their disbursements by the first part of October 2021.

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