By Martha Taumata Fa’avae

Deputy Speaker Nafo’itoa Talaimanu Keti has much to smile and be grateful for  at the launching of the HRPP election manifesto on Thursday last week .

A group of loyal supporters made the long trip from his Savaii electoral constituency of Gagaemauga No. 2 to join him at the party headquarters in Apia.

The group of men and women stood proudly with their elected MP sporting blue singlets bearing his full name and a campaign banner at the party headquarters.

The travellers were drawn from the constituency villages of Avao, Vaipouli, Safai, Fagamalo, Satoalepai and Lelepa.

“We are staunch HRPP supporters and regardless of all the name calling and misinformation about Government we give Nafo’itoa our full support as a party candidate,” Seuamuli Tulua announced as the group spokesman.

“We have always been a Government constituency and we believe in their leadership and the many developments they have made possible for the country.”

Deputy Speaker Nafo’itoa is running to retain his seat for a second 5-year term in Parliament.

He is up against only one opposition  candidate challenging for his seat.

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