By Staff Writer

The opposition Human Rights Protection Party, HRPP, is worried by the contradictions and indecisions behind the suspension of the nation-wide health security lockdown.

One of the main contradictions is the afa’s official announcement last Friday by the Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa to suspend the lockdown, at a time when more people tested positive for the COVID virus.

Lockdown restrictions are still in place at level 2 but not as tight as at level 3 before it ended at 6.00pm last Friday.

Another cause for confusion is the State of Emergency order that restricted to 30 people allowed to gather as a group in a public place.

The Head of State signed the SOE Order 65 on the same day of the lockdown suspension.

Work starts again on Monday and how to restrict the staff to only 30 members in a work place where more are employed is one example.

Parliament is being called to session on Monday and with its 51 seats it poses serious political conflicts that may run similar to the 2021 legal clash of authorities.

The HRPP deputy leader Lauofo Pierre Meti preferred the lockdown to have remained at level 3 until all the uncertainties in place are allayed.

The stand out example was the count of positive cases suggested it was still being added on when the lockdown dropped to the next less stringent level down.

“The lockdown was also eased up before any of the confirmed carriers were at least cleared of the virus,” Lauofo worried in a press conference yesterday, Saturday 29 January 2022.

 “Remember the lockdown started when cases that tested positive started with 10, 15 and then 27 that included our front line workers, from the flight that arrived over a week ago last Wednesday.”

A chartered flight from Brisbane, Australia landed all of the carriers of the pandemic virus in Samoa making it the most number to do so in a group at the same.

“My worry is we lifted the lockdown too soon to level 2, what if there are new cases?

“Our frontline workers are infected and we have as yet to see any tests for the virus run in the community to see if it has spread that far. ”

 Lauofo wanted the lockdown to run for at least the next 2 weeks and if there are no new cases then its positive news that the country is safe.

The indecision that disappointed the opposition party at leaving the country confused was conflicting announcements on the official lockdown.

The HRPP general secretary MP Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi noted how the NEOC came out first with a press statement announcing the lockdown remaining at level 3.

The Prime Minister followed shortly to announce the suspension of the lockdown and the Cabinet decision to drop it to level 2.

“Cabinet has the final say and it appeared they over ruled NEOC,” Lealailepule speculated.

“But what we need are firm decisions to prevent against confusing everyone and create uncertainties at a time like this.”

The calling of Parliament to session on Monday is another source of discomfort for the general secretary at the direct clash between the Speaker’s decision and the SOE order signed by the Head of State.

“The SOE order was already in place to restrict any gathering in a public place to only 30 people.

“We’re not sure where we are with that because when Parliament is in session close to 100 people attend including the Members of the House.”

 A press statement yesterday afternoon from the Office of the Legislative, advised that Parliament will meet as scheduled on Monday 31 January 2022. (see other story).

Both opposition MPs urged the general public to be more aware of their health and safety until the threat of the pandemic virus passes over.

 “We believe families should take extra care despite assurances there are no community cases.

“Treat it as if the virus is here and remain vigilant until tests prove that it has not spread to the community.”

The level 2 lockdown is in effect for the next two weeks unless there are any immediate changes decided by Cabinet.

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