Joy, love, peace and forgiveness are the great Christian Virtues to celebrate during this coming Christmas by every Christian believer in Samoa.

Time and time again, we are reminded from the pulpits that the most important of God’s Ten Commandments to the Israelites’ is to love God and to love one’s neighbor.

We also learn that God dwells inside us, all of us and not just Christian believers.

The New Testament further reveals that there is really only one commandment.

And that is the commandment of Love.

For if one loves God and neighbor, and always remembers it all the time, there should therefore be no theft of other peoples’ moneys and their earth moving machines, no killing, and no telling lies etc, etc, etc.

The only reason therefore, for the extension by 9 more Commandments is for the purpose of clarifications to minimize the usual excuses due to the hard-heartedness of man’s heart and the subsequent ease of man’s fall due to the pleasures of the flesh.

We Christian followers have all failed to truly love one another.

Jesus last commandment to love one another given to his followers who witnessed, to Love One Another.

His ascension into Heaven has been ignored, if not by action, then by our thoughts.

Hence the importance of a communal prayer cited at every service by one Denomination pleading to the Lord to forgive their sins of commission and sins of omission.

For the sins of omissions are worse in Samoa amongst leaders of all Kinds

It is the reason why the leaders of Major Christian Religions have been meeting together since the last millennium on how to love one another.

And there shall be, never any love amongst the Christians; so long as there is no one Christian Church, with one interpretation of the Bible

Although faith in God has not produced the true love that Jesus desired, Rugby is the only Religion that brings people together, talk the same language, dance together, drink together etc, etc, etc.

That’s ok.

The Lord will make allowance for that tiny, tiny good deed.

Rugby League through the Toa Samoa, and the Lakapi Samoa through Manu Samoa will stage a Radio-thon before Xmas.

Show your Christian values of love through your generous donation to our boys and let your name be heard as a contributor.

Have a happy Radio-thon!

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi

Leader of HRPP

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