By Staff Writer

LAST MINUTE RUSH : Unregistered voters outside the Mulinu’u EFKS Youth Hall
Huge traffic jam all morning from Apia to the EFKS Youth Hall
Lost and found babies
Main glass doors broken by the weight of leaning bodies
Seaside view infront of the EFKS Youth Hall facing the Mulinu’u Court Building

Photos : Martha Taumata Faavae

People fainting all over the place, babies lost in the crowd and long traffic jams from Savalalo Flea Market to the Court Building were only part of the madness seen in Apia this morning.

All is to do with a last minute rush by non-registered voters to sign up for the 2020 General Election on deadline day today Thursday 8 October 2020.

The registration started at the SNPF Plaza at Savalalo but was forced to be re-located to the bigger EFKS Youth Hall at Mulinu’u.

The change of venue on the last day of registration was in anticipation of the last minute surge.

The 2-3 minute ride from the Savalalo Flea Market to the EFKS hall crawled to a stop-start that took about half an hour.

The heat of the morning sun mixed with short bursts of ‘palolo rain’ kept the ambulances running back and force to attend to the thick body mass inside and outside the EFKS Hall and compound.

Glass doors were broken and people including old men and women were caught outside in the sun and rain.

Staff of the Electoral Commissioner’s Office were noticeably under severe pressure to cope with the massive last minute rush.

The electoral workers have only had a few hours sleep the night before after the closing hour on Wednesday night at the SNPF Plaza was extended to 12.00pm midnight.

The official registration closes at 4.00pm this afternoon.


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