By Staff Writer

The Salelologa and Asau Townships holds the key to the Government vision for the future development and growth in Savaii

The Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi laid out the Government’s long-term plans in the supplementary budget debate in Parliament this week.

 The Salelologa Township is already moving further along.   The location next to the Salelologa wharf as the main port for the island is crucial to the set-up of the township.

 PM Tuilaepa updated Parliament on the layout in place of the township and some of the latest developments in place or in progress.

. “Construction is underway for a Samoa National Provident Fund office and the setting up of two vocational schools run by churches continue to grow the Salelologa Township,”

The centralizing of all administration and commercial activities was pointed out as the key benefits for the Savaii population.

Hospital, police and court services are among the main Government services set-up further inland at Tuasivi that are expected to be relocated to Salelologa for easy access by everyone in the future.

  Asau on the more western end of the island has the attractions of a good harbor but with serious work needed to widen the entry for bigger boats to enter.

Marine studies of the harbor in the early 1970s identified the potentials for the harbor and the tactical approach to clear the entrance for bigger vessels.

The port location is seen as ideal for an international fishing fleet to set up and for opening up the area to tourism.

“Savaii has more natural attractions than Upolu and the Asau area has many of the natural attractions for cruise ship tourists to enjoy,” the PM underlined.

A dry docking yard to service the fishing fleet among others was added as another potential development in the area.

But the PM was quick to remind that these are long-term developments that are not going to happen overnight.

“Rome was not built in a day.  This process of development takes a long time but the future looks promising for Savaii with both Salelologa and Asau the key to opening up the potentials in the island.”

Savaii is bigger in size to Upolu but with a smaller population. Many move to Apia for work and travel back and forth to keep inter-island ferry travel busy especially during the holidays.

A better inter-island ferry service is credited for speeding up the developments in Savaii with easier access to and from Upolu.

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