Ambassador H.E. Mr. Ryota Suzuki (far right) with the CEO SUNGO Fuimaono Vitolo Ofoia and members of the NGO .

By Staff Writer

Japan is forking out close to ST$370,000 for the construction of a single storey training centre at Vaitele-tai village for SUNGO – the Samoa Umbrella for Non-Government Organisations.

Japan’s Ambassador to Samoa, H.E. Mr. SUZUKI Ryotaro, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan signed over the grant of up to USD 137,222 (approximately SAT 367,755) to the CEO of SUNGO, Fuimaono Vaitolo Ofoia.

The centre will include a large conference room, a small meeting room, an office with amenities, a storage room, a kitchen, and restrooms designed for accessibility. 

Additionally, the centre will have a significant impact on village communities by enhancing their knowledge and skills to address key human security challenges. 

These training sessions will provide education on governance, civil society development, and climate change mitigation, equipping participants with the necessary skills to respond effectively.

Serving as a vital hub, it will empower approximately 230 NGOs and community stakeholders, accommodating an estimated 50 training sessions throughout the year, with each session expecting between 30 to 60 participants. 

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