FILE PHOTO : Video footage of the hog-tied victim being shoulder carried to the ‘aai’ or the village centre in 2023

By Staff Writer

Prison sentences from 7 months up to just over 2 years were handed down in the Supreme Court this week, on the 11 men charged with the Lefagaoali’i ‘hog-tied’ kidnapping a year and a half ago.

The serious criminal act on 14th September 2023 sent shockwaves from the Savai’i Island village, when a 73 year old male, was shoulder carried on a wooden pole that ran through his tied hands and feet.

He was carted from his home to the ‘aai’ or the centre of the village about 1.3 kilometres away “taking between 45 minutes to an hours,’ the court heard.

About half of the defendants were ‘matai’ or chiefs and the rest were ‘taulele’a’ or untitled men of the village.

The group acted under the direction of the village council of chiefs and orators in response to the victim’s ‘defiance’ of traditional authority.

The Supreme Court ruling noted in the criminal charge’s summary of facts that “In early September 2023, the Catholic Church deacon at Lefagaoali’i complained to the village that the victim had entered his property drunk.

“The victim made insulting remarks about the deacon and the ‘matai’ of Lefagaoali’i.”

A village council meeting was called and a decision taken to banish the victim.

The events that followed was after the victim defied the village council official decision of moving out in exile.

Justice Leiataualesa Daryl Clarke, drew the attention to several mitigating factors that were weighed up, leading to the final ruling.

An ’ifoga’ or traditional apology by the families of the defendants was carried out and accepted by the victim, including a reconciliation.

Justice Leiataualesa felt the defendants criminal action “ brought shame on yourself and tainted the reputation of Lefagaoali’i.

“Your actions reverberated across Samoa and made headlines around out region.

“ As part of the ‘Ali’i and Faipule ‘, you took the la into your hands assaulting, hogtying and kidnapping your 73 year old victim.

“Today you are being sentenced for those crimes.”

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