…..  this photo sets out clearly the range of electors to expect at the polls starting on  Monday 5 April, to decide our next Government in Samoa.   On the far right sits a young elector typical of the voting age group from 21 years upwards, most are yet to be bestowed a chiefly title.

Moving along inside the sitting group are the middle aged adults right up to the ‘greay-haired old guys.’ 

Closer to the photo on the left are the womenfolks whose vote counts equally as the men.

The only difference is that in the 50-seat Parliament at Mulinu’u only 5-MPs are women. 

Before an accusing finger is pointed at the dominating influence by the men, the women are partly to blame for not having more of their gender in the political leadership roles.

Long story short the ladies are getting organised as the interest continues to grow for more of them to become part of the political decision making process in Samoa.

Go ladies!

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