By Staff Writer
The Human Rights Protection Party has no intentions of circulating an appeal letter to the villages or outside Samoa for donations to cover their election legal costs.
The Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi told Newsline Samoa in a Saturday afternoon interview they would welcome the help but it is not the party way.
“Funding is always a worry when you’re involved in something like this and we have to depend on our families to contribute where they can,” PM Tuilaepa explained.
“It is not because for us money is not a worry but we have to look for other ways to cover our expenses and we usually take out a bank loan.”
What the PM tried not to sound loud about at this time is concern over the financial struggles the families are going through with the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
His thoughts are also with Samoans raising families overseas who are without jobs because of the pandemic.
“ We’ve already said that we don’t want to place any financial burdens at this time on anyone, especially Samoans struggling to raise families overseas at these difficult times.”
He is fully aware also of appeal letters for community donations FAST is running in the villages but is adamant the HRPP will not follow that path.
“We have our own hands to fall back on and it is a challenge we have to take.”
FAST fund raised extensively during their pre-election campaign build up that reportedly won strong support from the Samoan diaspora in New Zealand, Australia and the US.
A party radiothon reportedly raked in $1.6 million tala.