By Martha Taumata Faavae

The ‘fast and furious’ run around by the FAST party coalition to mount an election winning campaign, is not going unnoticed by the governing Human Rights Protection Party, HRPP.

 The Prime Minister and HRPP leader, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, has marshaled his party members to respond to the ‘campaign lies’ their election opponent is allegedly spreading. (see other story)

Government MPs Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi and Sulamanaia Tauiliili Tuivasa are unmoved by the FAST challenge.

MP Lealailepule is already a confirmed HRPP seat for his Faleata No. 1 Electoral Constituency.

MP Sulamanaia is being challenged by two other candidates for the Vaimauga No. 1 Parliament seat.

All are, however, HRPP candidates so it is another confirmed seat as well for the Government.

Analysis will reveal a few more seats confirmed for Government even before the   election polls, based on all candidates contesting the same seat for the same party.

“I firmly believe the chances of Government returning to power is very strong but the opposition FAST is offering a good test for us,” MP Lealailepule felt.

“As they say, you’re only as good as your opposition and this is our chance to see how good this Government is.”

Lealailepule re-emphasised an earlier statement that Samoan politics is based on personality rather than ideology by looking key members HRPP who left to lead the FAST party.

“Some of the people there have been with the HRPP for years, some for 20-30 years.

“What is different are personalities but they tow the same line of ideology now the same as when they were in Government.”

 MP Sulamanaia enjoys a HRPP electoral constituency stronghold and is looking forward to the FAST election campaign machinery rolling into his electorate.

He promised to attend their political rally if he is free on the day.

“I want to sit in and hear what misleading stories and lies they will be telling the people but even if I’m not there it’s not going to worry me and my attempts at re-election,” PM Sulamanaia said.

“ I know Vaimauga No. 1 is behind the HRPP all the way.”

Election candidate, Fa’aso’otauloa Malosi Kome, for the Savaii constituency of Gagaemauga No. 1 is also not worried by the FAST election rush.

Fa’aso’otauloa is adamant that the truth will always win over the misinformation lies the opposition political party dumps into his constituency.

“As a church deacon I’d rather go and read my bible and look around for what is good to help our church rather than waste it listening to these people,” he said.

“My constituency supports the HRPP 100 per cent so I have no cause to worry at what they have to promise.”

The Government party called a caucus meeting last week where a counter strategy was set up for members to follow if the political opposition decides to hold campaign rallies in their constituencies.

PM Tuilaepa remind members of human nature where it is always the minority who makes loud noises while the majority sits back and keep their silence.

He defended his leadership and the HRPP against the smear allegations made by political oppositions in their campaign rallies to win voters trust with made up stories that misleads.

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