By Staff Writer

Three new cases tested positive for the coronavirus in neighbouring American Samoa, is keeping the Ministry of Health security border watch on extra alert.

Media reports from the territory confirmed two of the travellers who arrived last Monday on a flight from Hawaii returned positive tests last Friday.

Both are reported asymptomatic.

A third traveller who was also placed under quarantine on arrival turned out to be an historic case.

All are kept in isolation along with a few others they were in contact with.

A travel ban remains in place between the two Samoas for both air and sea travel.

The Director General of Health, Leausa Dr. Take Naseri, is not taking any chances with at the borders despite pressure from airlines and travellers for travel.

“The new virus variants are highly contagious and we cannot afford to take any chances until we know it’s safe for any travels to be made,” Leausa reacted firmly to the travel pressure.

The Director General and his health team has been working closely with their counterparts in American Samoa on security control measures.

“We are taking our work every day as a fresh start in our security watch, we cannot afford to be complacent especially with the virus variants because they’re highly contagious.”

Samoa is one of the few countries in the world free from the coronavirus.

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