By Martha Taumata Fa’avae

A police illegal guns and drugs raid at Faleula-uta last week is a puzzle to the Commissioner of Police Fuiavailili Egon Keil.

The 44 year old male suspect arrested was a found to be up against two other separate charges for similar criminal offences, but is released on bail await court hearings.

He is familiar to the police with earlier arrests, and was picked up for the third time from the same location during the raid.

Commissioner Fuiavailili agonized at how this person is still out committing the same criminal acts he was charged with earlier.

‘Something is wrong when this is happening over and over again, something is not working here,” he puzzled.

“Our system is not working especially for this individual to commit the same offence repeatedly, is it us, prosecution or the courts?”

Police collected 9 rifles, 7 pistols, 22 bullets and other unlawful ammunitions.

Some of the guns were stashed inside a car the suspect allegedly used to patrol the streets and police suspected there was something planned.

None of the guns are officially registered in Samoa and it appears to the Commissioner they have circulated around the country without detection until now.

Glass tubes and weight scales were also raked in at the raid that are linked to drug use and distribution.

Fuiavailili described what the police found as a dangerous situation and it is only the tip of the iceberg they are determined to clean up in Samoa.

“Once you mix guns and drugs the people die and I’m grateful that no one was killed in this police raid.

“We don’t need drugs and weapons here and our challenge is to get rid of all these things and to keep Samoa a safe place to stay.”

The illegal guns will be quashed and flattened under a heavy road works roller as it was done earlier to other illegal guns.

The suspect is held in custody at the Tanumalala Prison until 24 August 2020 for the court to hear new criminal charges he will face.

Police raids whether for illegal arms or drugs have recorded a high success rate with the reported tip off support from the public.

The Faleula-uta raid according to the Commissioner was in response to information passed on to the police.

He is fully determined to keep up the pressure on illegal criminal activities that threatens public security with more police raids.

The appeal is for the public to help out with their support.

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