Apia Fautasi racing boat being carried out to sea as part of the official launching this morning in front of the Vaisigano

By Staff Writer

The birthday call ‘Go Apia Go’ fired up the celebration of 100 years of the sport of rugby in the village of Apia this morning.

The happy occasion was highlighted by the official launching of their new ‘fautasi’ or traditional racing boat.

Rugby and fautasi racing are national sports the village have a strong history in.

Member of the Council of Deputies, and Apia village ranking ‘matai’ title holder, Tuiletufuga Le Mamea Ropati, went over the history of fautasi racing in the village, in his keynote address at the launching.

“Our village involvement with fautasi racing started with the Vineula and continued with the Kionasina,” Tuiletufuga reminded.

The village racing fleet is now joined by the new boat this is  charged with carrying the village name – Apia.

Traffic along Beach Road came to a virtual stand still as the Apia was being hauled on the shoulders of the young men of the village from the high road level down to the seafront at Vaisigano.

The centennial celebration was attended by overseas Apia villagers who made the trip home, mainly from New Zealand and Australia to enjoy the proud rugby landmark.

The Apia village rugby celebrations followed similar centennial commemorations held earlier by the Vaiala Village rugby.

The two clubs are the founding members of the sport of rugby in Samoa which also celebrated the occasion a week earlier.

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