By Mataeliga Pio Sioa

Former CEO Matafeo Ms. Avalisa Viali-Fautuali’i is protesting as biased and ill-informed the findings and decision of the Public Service Commission (PSC) investigation on the Ministry of Customs and Revenue, Border Operations- ACEO Alvin Onesemo.

The PSC investigation of 22 November 2021, inquired into allegations that the ACEO solely and favorably assessed and released the container of a closely related relative (second cousin) without proper authority.

Onesemo was let off with a stern warning and a fine of $1,000 by the PSC after the investigation.  His relative alleged to have received preferential treatment is the current Minister of Communications, Pou Onesemo.

Matafeo was CEO at the time and protests very strongly the contents and findings of the report as ‘injurious and damaging to herself’.

She has protested all the way to the Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa, supposedly, the only person who can authorize the release of a PSC report copy she needs to defend herself.

Her earlier requests for a copy were unsuccessful with the Deputy PM, Tuala Ponifasio as her Minister and the lady Chairman of the PSC, Lauano Vaosa Epa.

What she appears to know already of the official report are from the contents published by the local daily print media obviously from a copy of their own.

  Matafeo highlighted, from what she read, several issues critical of the PSC handling of the investigation and its findings, in her 6 April 2022 letter of request to the PM, seen and read by Newsline Samoa.

In her opinion the credible standing of herself and staff are tarnished.

The PSC investigating officer, Maiavatele Timothy Fesili, was singled out and accused of not collecting any solid evidence in his inquiry work.

The former CEO alleged she and several other senior officers of the Minister were never interviewed by Maiavatele, despite an email to confirm he “would be investigating me, and our internal auditor and “relevant” staff for contextual clarifications.”

Also rejected were ‘blatant allegations’ in the report of ‘political interference, insinuations of collusion and misrepresentation of MCR’ staff.’

The political tone in the allegations was seen as ‘based solely on hearsay’ from the ACEO involved with ‘no solid evidence collected by the investigating officer Maiavatele.

The PSC punishment handed ACEO Onesemo was criticised in the letter as a contradiction of a similar investigation in 2015 of a former Border-ACEO whose service was terminated outright by the PSC for breach of code of conduct.

Matafeo in her letter is hopeful PM Fiame will allow her ‘access to relevant official records’ she believed were ‘mainly discarded and not lawfully applied’ in the investigation.

The letter also appealed for a fair and lawful investigation where the PSC summon herself and ‘former relevant staff to appear and be heard” as witnesses in the inquiry.

 “I also pray that the Audit office be authorized or directed to review this case and carry out a proper and full investigation on all those issues as alleged in the report, and in full consideration of the above matters.”

Matafeo in her appeal letter to the PM, included attachments of direct response to the contents of the investigation findings the local daily print media published.

There is no official word yet of a decision by the PM on the CEO request for a copy of the PSC report.

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