Martha Taumata Faavae
The first of two risings of the ‘palolo’ this year is being timed towards the end of the week on Thursday, Friday and Saturday before the children’s White Sunday Service.
Past experiences in the rising of the ‘palolo’ or the local term for coral eggs, anticipates a strong rising if it is due before White Sunday.
People who are familiar with predicting the rising of this much sought after seafood favourite have their own systems of reading the elements that involves the positioning of the moon.
The prediction always refer to the first rising as stronger in Savaii compared to weak risings in Upolu.
Many of the palolo fishing crowd travel to selected location on the big island to fish during the first rising.
The second rising next month in November is usually felt to be stronger in Upolu so many will flock to the main spots usually on the south eastern coastal front from Aleipata across to Falealili Safata and Lefaga.