(17th JULY 2021); Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi has lodged a formal complaint against the leader of the FAST Political Party, Fiame Naomi Mataafa for her defamatory remarks live streamed on Social Media and widely circulated via press release on Wednesday 14th July 2021.

Fiame during a press conference had publicly accused the Prime Minister claiming that Tuilaepa had personally visited the Court complex at Mulinu’u (accompanied by others) to speak to three sitting Supreme Court Judges before certain Electoral related decisions were delivered.

Fiame further claimed that the Prime Minister also sent former HRPP MPs to visit Court Judges at their private homes to speak with the Judges to influence them.

In response the Prime Minister stated;

“It’s extremely disgraceful for someone who worked under me for so long to have stooped so low and issued these unsubstantiated and completely untrue statements. Never in my many years as Prime Minister of Samoa, have I been accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice.

“And it’s crystal clear that the sole motive behind Fiame Naomi’s false statements is to undermine the integrity of the Office of the Prime Minister of Samoa. In doing so she has also undermined the dignity of and respect for the people of Samoa who voted overwhelming in support of the HRPP leadership in the 2016 General Elections as well as close to 60% of the voters versus the 38% who voted for FAST in 2021.”

“Nonetheless, I am looking forward to see Hon. Fiame reveal her sources and justify her allegations by physically identifying in Court the Supreme Court judges impacted in her claims.

 “It is no secret that Fiame and the F.A.S.T Leaders have been on a public crusade to brainwash everyone with their numerous defamatory claims against Government and myself before and after the General Elections.

“And it is time to set the record straight in Court.

“I have requested the Police to investigate these serious allegations made against me and to proceed with the appropriate charges.

“The other two matters of great public interest which have caused even worse sdamages to the integrity of the FAST Party and brought shame to their leadership is the widely media coverage of the verbal abuses against the women of Samoa by the Chairman Hon. Laauli MP which provoked over 10,000 women of Samoa to stage their protest march on the 12th July 2021.

“Secondly, the recent Supreme Court decision which ruled that the Swearing in ceremony under the tent by FAST on the 24th of May was unconstitutional and unlawful and therefore voided and of no effect.

“These incidents undermine Samoa’s reputation as a Country which upholds the Rule of Law and observe the highest standards of moral behaviour raising more questions on their suitability to hold public office,” concluded the Prime Minister.

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