By Staff Writer

The former Prime Minister and leader of the HRPP party is cringing at what he calls a ‘ snickering reaction’ to the FAST ‘mickey mouse’ Government by leaders in the region and the international community.

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi is embarrassed that the political shambles of the ‘under the tent’ swearing in of the new Government will be seen as a joke outside Samoa.

“The leaders will look at our Government delegation at whatever international forum they attend and know that they represent our ‘mickey mouse’ Government,” Tuilaepa winced in discomfort.

“Of course they will not show their reaction openly but they will have a laugh about it in private.”

His simple and easily accepted way out of the mockery is for the new Government to follow the rule of law by going through the lawful process of being sworn in by the Head of State in Parliament.

The HRPP leader believes it will legitimize the FAST Government in the eyes of the regional and international community, if His Highness blesses the whole Parliament in chambers again.

“This is the role of the Head of State the same as with Queen Elizabeth when her majesty is called upon to open the UK Parliament.

“We are never to going accept the unconstitutional swearing in of the new Government by their legal staff under the tent, this is not the rule of law.”

Tuilaepa insisted that the dignity of Parliament has to be maintained which will then flow on to the Government.

He also added that it is very challenging for the opposition to gloss over key outstanding issues without addressing them fully.

His concern is that they will be repeated in the future and result in more chaos as it is the current case with the political uncertainties in the country if they are not fully addressed and resolved.

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