By Martha Taumata Faavae
The Electoral Constituency of Falealupo is unable to agree on one candidate to nominate for the 2021 general elections, following a recent meeting of chiefs and orators.
Falealupo village spokesman, Fuiono Tenina, said the meeting failed to agree on a selection process to nominate one candidate they can all support.
The elected candidate will serve out one term and then be replaced by another nominated choice to take over the seat for the next term.
“The election candidates did not agree with the proposal,” Fuiono told Newsline Samoa.
There are two candidates who have already indicated official intentions to contest the constituency seat in the general elections.
Both have already registered as candidates for the HRPP ruling party.
Fuiono is himself looking to stand as an election candidate but in support of the new political party FAST.
“ I don’t believe it is right for us to support the HRPP when we are against the three amendment bills to the Lands and Titles Court.
“Our current Member of Parliament is in opposition so history shows that we in Falealupo do not support Government.”
There is still hope for Falealupo to reach a consensus on one candidate to nominate when they constituency leaders meet again next month in October.
MP Aeau Peniamina who is the incumbent for Falealupo is respected as one of the elders of the House, and is expected to retire at the end of the current term.
His political carrier started in 1985. He has had an interrupted run as an MP when he lost his seat in one of the general elections but since returned to continue up to now.