By Staff Writer

The FAST political party candidate, Fuiono Mr. Tenina Crichton, is the new Member of Parliament for the Savai’i Electoral Constituency of Falealupo.

 The Electoral Court ruling handed down today Monday 22 November 2021, has disqualified his only rival for the Falealupo by-elections this week on Friday.

HRPP candidate, Tuitogamanaia Dr. Peniamina Leavai, was ruled ineligible to run as a candidate.

The court ruled that he did not meet the requirements of the ‘monotaga’ or required traditional contributions as service to the village or church.

 Tuitogamanaia puzzled over the ruling after it was handed down to his downhearted supporters outside the courtroom.

“I honestly don’t know anymore what qualifies as the ‘monotaga’ if the contributions I have made to the village and the church do not qualify as such,” he told his supporters.

“ But the court has ruled and all we can do now is leave it up to God and His justice.”

The Fuiono win is likely to add more controversy to recent threats he made public of firing off a round of gunfire if the court rules against him.

The comments were in frustration at having to face another loss after a failed attempt to win the April general elections.

The Judiciary is also liable to come under more fire from the opposition Human Rights Protection Party, after the FAST Chairman La’auli Leuatea Schmidt, predicted last week a win for the Government party.

His quiet confidence of winning ahead of the court judges ruling left the opposition party  last week unsettled.

“If La’auli is that confident ahead of the judges ruling, the question is why, what does he know that we don’t,” HRPP Secretary MP Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi, questioned last week.

Lealailepule also condemned the threat of gunfire by the FAST candidate if he loses, as in keeping with the brand of politics advocated by the ruling party.

The MP said he was not surprised by the intimidation of violence.

“Our HRPP road run around Savaii was met with gunfire, roadblocks and the real threat of violence when we arrived on the big island.

“ We ended up calling off the run halfway through for safety concerns so it is nothing new with this FAST party.”

Today’s Falealupo court ruling comes as a big blow to the HRPP hopes to lead off on a winning note to the Friday 26 November 2021 by-elections.

All the 7 electoral constituency seats to be decided this week were won by the HRPP in the general elections but later voided in court rulings. 

All are in Upolu with Falealupo the lone seat to be contested in Savaii.

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