By Staff Writer

Falealili East MP Fuimaono Te’o is wary and concerned at the former Head of State, Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi, taking an active opposition role in the politics of his electoral constituency.

MP Fuimaono wants Tui Atua who ranks supreme as paramount head of the influential Safenunu’ivao traditional family clan in the Falealili district, to remain neutral.

“The dignity of keeping his stately bearing should be respected by his impartiality,” he reasoned.

The incumbent MP aired his worries in his final farewell address to his Falealili electorate in Parliament today during the 2020/21 Supplementary Budget debate.

His reservations are at learning of the Tui Atua rallying opposition inside the constituency to Constitutional changes in the Lands and Titles Court, LTC, while it was under review.

MP Fuimaono was a prominent member of the Parliamentary Select Committee that reviewed the proposed LTC amendments before the final changes were made that is now included in the Constitution after it was passed in Parliament.

The paramount leader is also reported to have given his endorsement to the challenge by opposition party election candidates’ for the Falealili EAST seat.

MP Fuimaono felt that there has always been a political balance enjoyed by the Constituency with previous holders of the seat.

He wants to see that is continued without the influence of the Tui Atua to taint the dignity and respect accorded the paramount title.

FAST Opposition Party MP La’auli Polataivao Schmidt interjected under standing orders of the House in defence of the Tui Atua who is not in Parliament.

Repeated disruptions from the opposition MP brought the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi into the exchange to justify the concerns raised by the Falealili MP.

The PM rubbished the concerns by the opposition MP as invalid in line with the concerns the Falealili East MP raised.

MP Fuimaono remains confident of his winning chances by echoing the celebrated movie outcry – “ I will be back.”

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