FILE PHOTO: CEO PULOTU ( front right) on inspection tour of the RSE Scheme with the former Minister of COMMERCE INDUSTRY AND LABOUR Lautafi Selafi Purcell.


Last week, we heard of the dismissal by the Cabinet of the CEO of MCIL and one of his ACEO.

No reason was given.

Rumours abound that the reason for this harsh decision was to do with the Governments suspension of our workers from the RSE Scheme.

Did government follow the proper process for a Commission of Enquiry to examine the charge and submit a recommendation for Cabinet decision?

It seems not.

For the current policy is to shoot first, then ask questions later.

This suspension policy resulted also in the termination by one major employer in New Zealand of workers from Samoa.

That company is now sourcing replacement workers from Tonga, Fiji and other Pacific islands.

The damage to our economy and the harshness to families that benefitted from these work schemes initiated during the HRPP administrations, is enormous.

Government never seems to worry about the consequences of their decisions on the lives of our people, especially during these difficult times we are in.

The utter disregard of the human rights of the public servants by the government of 1971 to 1981 led to the formation of the first political party in Samoa – the Human Rights Protection Party – and its name.

Our current government is repeating exactly the same excesses of almost 40 years ago.

Right now, the PM is facing a court case from one of the CEOs sacked unfairly.

The CEO of MCIL and others dismissed seemingly on malice, may also pursue the same actions to clear their names – a clear waste of government funds.

In a small country with little resources, we need the best minds to develop our country.

The present administration is spending all its time sacking the best qualified and educated Samoans for one reason only,

The government seems determined to operate outside of the Rule of Law with the cooperation of the handpicked friends, the “yes women” and the “yes men” to give the go ahead nod to Cabinet to go ahead with any illegal outgoing.

This is not a good message to our development partners who give generously to finance the government budget through budgetary support.

When the new government took over in 2021, the new PM urged the public servants to serve the government in accordance with the Commonwealth tradition where governments come and go but the professional Public Servants continue to serve to the best of their ability.

That was a great start from the leader of the new government.

Unfortunately, weeks later the sackings began.

And it is still continuing.

This is the worst experience ever to occur in our peaceful Samoa.

Luckily, our people continue to pray unceasingly for God’s intervention.

And for the HRPP, we pray too for God’s intervention through the court.

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi

Leader of HRPP

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