PRESS STATEMENT– The European Union (EU) in partnership with the Government of Samoa through the Civil Society Support Programme II (CSSP II) will launch five standalone Ultra Violet (UV) Filtration System Kiosks at five different communities located on the main islands of Upolu in Samoa.

The UV Filtration System Kiosks will provide five communities’ access to clean and safe drinking water, with approximately three thousand five hundred people whose water networks are without treatment foreseen to benefit from the launch.

The European Union Head of Section for Economic Growth, Investments and Agriculture, Ms Barbara RIKSEN said, “The European Union is very proud to partner once again with Samoa and in particular with the Samoa Independent Water Schemes Association, to install the use of the five Ultra Violet Filtration System Kiosks in five different communities. This is a chemical-free process to remove contaminations and protect against impurities in the untreated water. They are proven to be quick, reliable and cost effective method of disinfecting water for use”.

“The European Union values Water as life. It is a precondition for human, animal and plant life as well as an indispensable resource for the economy. Water also plays a fundamental role in the climate regulation cycle and protection of water resources, of fresh and salt water ecosystems and of the water we drink and bathe in is therefore one of the cornerstones of environmental protection for the European Union”, added Ms Riksen.

The UV Filtration System will help eliminate bacteria’s as well as filter sediments from the water. The five communities are encouraged to fetch drinking water from the kiosks for daily consumption and for domestic purposes. In addition, communities are educated on the water storage practices within the households in line with the Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) guidelines.

“This is a milestone development for our communities that are committed to effective management of their water resource networks in order to enhance access to safe and clean water”, commented Peseta Noumea Simi, the National Authorising Officer.

Sulutumu Taiatu Sasa Milo, President of SIWSA, stated that “The introduction of this UV Kiosk project has greatly boosted the communities’ morale and discipline in conserving and managing their water system, as they believe in ‘Clean Healthy Water is the cheapest way to Better Life’. I wish to extend the SIWSA’s sincere thanks and gratitude to the EU for this remarkable life-saving contribution”.

The EU-funded project on Water Management to Samoa Independent Water Schemes Association shall also contribute to the population of Samoa with access to safe drinking water that complies with Samoa’s 2016 National Drinking Water Standards; improve water quality through Water Safety Plans and strengthen water communities in managing effective water resources. The UV Filtration System Kiosks is one of the initiative under this project and is approximately worth of EUR 65,000 equivalent to SAT 200,000.

The launch of the UV Filtration System Kiosks will commence from 29 September up until the 1 October 2021. The locations and communities to benefit from the launch include Nuusuatia Independent Water Scheme, Sataoa Independent Water Scheme, Aufaga Independent Water Scheme, Maasina and Lona Independent Water Scheme.

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