By Martha Taumata Faavae

Traditional end of year students prize-giving are allowed but the choice is left up to the school whether to do so or not.

Education Minister Loau Keneti Sio does not see problem doing so as many of the State of Emergency restrictions are already being eased up. 

“Prize-giving is usually the highlight of the school year and it is encouraging for students to finish up on a happy note before the holidays,” Loau said.

Schools were prevented by the measles epidemic from holding prize giving at the end of last year, 2019.

The Minister’s only concern is for everyone attending to keep to the health requirements of social distancing.

“ These end of year school activities are happy occasions for parents and teachers sharing the moment with students.

“It is also worth celebrating at the same time that we are still free from the pandemic.”

Loau congratulated the teachers for the work done during a difficult year from restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic state of emergency.

The announced choice for schools prize giving comes after plans by both the University of the South Pacific Alafua Campus and the National University of Samoa to hold virtual graduations at the end of the year.

The USP Alafua Campus canceled its scheduled 4th December graduation for the second year in a row.   It is the only campus for the regional university to do so.

The option taken last October was for students to dress up in graduation gowns to have their photos taken as a record of their academic achievement.

The National University of Samoa made a similar arrangement recently with graduating Foundation students.

Students were called to have their photos taken for use during a virtual graduation ceremony planned for the final month of the year.

Students of the TVET programme went through the same process as well.

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