Martha Taumata Faavae

The general election battle scene appears to be shifting towards an all out court petition battle to  decide the balance of power in the 25-seat tie between the HRPP and FAST political parties.

FAST party leader Fiame Naomi Mataafa told the local media on Saturday that preparations are underway for all eligible party candidates to challenge the election results in their respective electorates. 

“We have a legal team organising our election petitions in court for our candidates,” Fiame disclosed.

“We should know by Friday this week the number of our party candidates going to court.”

The FAST leader is anticipating similar tactics the rival HRPP party is planning.

Fiame accepts that for now the independent MP Tuala Ponifasio holds the balance of power with his vote and her party is prepared to accept whatever his decision.

She confirmed being in contact with the MP earlier but he wanted to wait until the end of the final election count before making any final decision.

“Hopefully we’ll be able to meet up again at the beginning of this week to hear him out because the country is waiting for an answer.

“I’m sure he has been in contact with the HRPP leader Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi and his party members.”

Fiame called for calm and to let Tuala make his own decision.

The Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi indicated a week earlier that they respect the wish of the MP to let his Gagaemauga 1 Electorate decide.

Tuala has to declare a political party he will align with before he is officially sworn in as a new Member of Parliament.

If he chooses to stay an independent it may open up a host of political options for Parliament to follow to decide a new Government.

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