By Martha Taumata Faavae

The Congregational Christian Church of Samoa, EFKS, is in a rush to this week to pass an emergency budget, to cover its financial commitments for the New Year.
No full budget amount has been disclosed but 100 of the top church officials are meeting at the end of the week in a location yet to be finalised.
Church members in and outside of Samoa will still be able to attend but by virtual online connection or ‘zoom’.
The EFKS annual ‘Fonotele’ gives the final approval for the church budget but it was cancelled this year because of the coronavirus pandemic.
“ We have a lot of outstanding matters for the church that include reports from the various committees to be approved and the ‘Fonotele’ is were the final approval comes from,” General Secretary Rev. Vavatau Taufao explained.
“We also have a lot of development projects kept on hold since the general assembly was cancelled.”
Rev. Vavatau said emergency sessions such as the one scheduled this week are allowed under church rules for urgent matters to be finalised.
Conference representatives are selected from the various church committees who will make up the100 senior officials attending .
The number is in keeping with the rules of the COVID-19 state of emergency that sets a limit on the grouping of people.
Teleconferencing ‘zoom’ link will allow for as many people as possible to also attend.