The tightened sense of anticipation at all those CHOGM VIPs arriving in just a few days time is undeniable.

To say expectations are already being stretched is not too far fetched for the imagination.

The welcoming carpet in place from Faleolo International Airport to Apia has some red in it.

But it would be an injustice for this honoured tradition of reception to signal the red out as the standard.

What the roadside villages have laid out is a rainbow of colours weaved into flags fluttering excitedly in the breeze.

 Solid walls of painted boulder rocks running at length along the coastline, catches the breath.

Brick walls are equally colourful.

Even coconut tree swaying slowly in a row next to the road are splashed with a touch of colour around the trunks.

The myriad of colours appears to be everywhere for all driving along to see and be proud and grateful for all the ongoing hard work.

As the big day draws nearer, the pace of village preparations have picked up noticeably.  

Villagers appear to be working tirelessly to add to the breath catching kaleidoscope of colours.

With all the good work in place already please lets all pray for good weather. Keep the heavy rains seen over the last few days away. Please!

Dear Oh Dear.

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