If you really want to appreciate being a Samoan get out of Samoa.  Join the diaspora either in NZ, Australia or US where most end up.

Truly feel the meaning of…” there is no place like home.’

Sometimes it doesn’t have to be that far away.  There are growing Samoan communities as close as in Fiji ,Tonga and all our other island neighbours.

Our brand new High Commissioner to Fiji is firing up the Samoans in Suva to   root out more members to join the community.

The Commissioner was poetic in his call for a gathering of the Samoans when he met up with them a few days ago.

““Today we have planted a seed in Suva. Let’s nurture, care and help make this beautiful Samoan seed grow and blossom so that the fragrance from its flowers can reach every corner of Fiji for everyone to enjoy, appreciate and benefit and feel its presence. “

“….is he saying we’re flower people, dear?

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