The opening of our travel borders is now part of our political debate.  No surprises as we tough out our crazy politics?

  FAST has the muscle if they want to bubble open the borders.

 Stui can worry himself blue at the COVID-19 virus sneaking into Samoa and running loose but no way is that going to make FAST listen.

You can bet your blue pants on it.     

The Red Party has an election promise to the diaspora to open the floodgates at Faleolo International Airport when they take power.  Guess who is in power now.

 Does that mean the Blue Party has no other choice but to accept the consequences  when the virus do come?

Not really.  There will always be choices.

As an avid bible reader Stui may want to follow the Passover example of the Israelites to protect his HRPP members and families from the virus.

Paint those doors red with the blood of lambs…umm…try the blue colours of the party.     FAST is red and that is enemy colour.

 Stui and Co. should then fast…as in not eating…,and pray that the COVID-19 will miss them out.

The Israelite families did that in the bible and were spared the sword of the Angel of Death on a sweep through Egypt.

Must make sure, however, the virus is very clear that the families behind the blue doors are the good guys.  The red are the bad guys so go bite them.

“….. also make sure the virus is not colour blind, dear?

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