By sitting 13th overall in the current world rugby rankings, our Manu looms 6 places above Spain at 19th. 

  In betting odds, the rugby ranking makes the homeside favourites to win their second International outing in 2 weeks.

If or when they do, the touring Spaniards team scalp will add more proud glow to their trophy room.

It’ll be their second after their upset test win over the Italians last week.

But let’s not get ahead of our rugby boys’ winning odds this Saturday.

Italy was ranked 9th overall or 3 places above our Manu and were favoured to win when they ran onto the Apia Park last week.

Strangely enough the winning odds were nowhere to be seen for the Italians at the final whistle.

Since the winning odds this time are on our Manu, what are the chances of another vanishing act at the final whistle on Saturday –  this time on our boys?

“…..maybe our fanatical rugby crowd should bring along flashlights for a massive search of the rugby grounds, in case the winning odds for our Manu puts on a disappearing act like the Italians at the final whistle.  Oh Dear!

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