How about a loud applause for Commissioner Faimalomatumua and his OEC staff !!

Great work people.   By now you should all be immune to the ‘run of mouth’ in the good, bad and in-between of the general elections.

 Human nature. People talk.  Few do so with brains.  The rest are filled with ‘sound and fury’ that makes even the mental retards sprint for safety.

What none of these talkers can ever take away, is a rare, lifetime experience that only you are blessed with.

Faimalo talked about it right from the start. He should know! This was his second tilt at running the general elections after 2016.

How this one compares to the other is another story. The man will definitely have a lot to say when it comes to general elections.

When he speaks people listen in ‘shock and awe.’ 

The same is said about his staff who all showed super human powers of resolve and determination to stay the course right up to the very end.

Stories are starting to come out of how you had to curl up wherever possible inside the gym, for only a few hours sleep in what was left of the night.

  Waking up to the vicious cycle of counting votes do take its toll.

But nothing is more rewarding in life than the deep, inner satisfaction of knowing you have done well.

You all deserve to walk around with your heads held high.

Take a bow Faimalo and your staff.  Thank you.

“….why can’t you be one of them, dear?

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