There’s a $15,000 tala set aside in the budget for Samoa talks. Why is that a budget item when we’re too busy locking down our borders to keep the pandemic virus out?
Someone in Parliament agreed it was a good question but none of the budget makers wanted to know or even talk about the talks.
So will they go ahead or give it a miss for this year anyway. Most likely it will depend on the threat from the virus. Too many new variants are popping up every time we think the COVID-19 has run its course.
Is there any urgent matter that would make it worth our political leaders taking the risks chatting up our ‘rellies’ from the territory?
Can’t see anything earth shattering issue to lose any sleep over. Government would be better off spending that $15,000 on those angry peanut farmers MP Loau was talking about.
Nobody trusts in election promises again. Can’t blame the poor peanut growers!
Why go around raising people’s fairy tale expectations with million tala handouts and then deny making them in the first place.
As the old folks used to say…. “…watch it, curses don’t walk through the front door.”
“….. cussing is another form of curse, dear