Interesting to hear a prominent MP claim in Parliament last week that he was a born leader. 

He is in Parliament so there is little doubt about that.   You have to make people trust and believe in your leadership qualities to elect you.

But what if you’re caught in a deliberate lie and you’re forced to resign after being embarrassed infront of everyone?

What if your voters still trust and believe in your leadership appeal and vote you back in?

If that is confirmation that you were born to lead fair enough.  But what about the blatant lie you made?  What does that say about the quality of your leadership values?

If you are blessed with the gift of leadership and your lie was found out what does that say?

Would it be right to say yes you were born to lead and also to mislead? Does that make you a leader and misleader as well?

“…..aren’t politicians supposed to do that all the time, dear?

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