On hindsight maybe the OEC would have a much easier time if they had tagged along with the $50 handout people to wheel in the voters to register. 

Instead of scaring people to go berserk on the last day of registration fearful of a $2000 fine, they could have spread out the last minute rush over the last few weeks for the very very low handout price of $50.

But it’s all on hindsight of course.  We’re always smart after the fact.

But then again we have at least re-confirmed what we always knew about our laid-back island nature – ‘Tomorrow is another day”.

If we should look for anyone to blame for making our life miserable it is the ‘palagi’ and now the Chinese.

The white man brought us ‘palagi time’ and more recently the Chinese have come in with their ‘chop chop time.’   

Maybe the next one to come in should be warned about being stoned…um… with stones – we are good at that.

We island folks are always on ‘Happy Hour’ time.  When it’s ‘ Hungry Hour’ time and there’s no food in the house it’s not a worry.

 It’s a very simple matter to let your nose lead your legs towards the family where the nice smell of food is coming from and get an invite.

“…..there is ‘work’ time too, dear

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