Now what harm was there in giving those old men chairs to sit on and water to drink in the merciless heat of the afternoon, out in the open sun outside Parliament House?

This is not a question but a mumbling shock at how our beloved police officers became so cold hearted in a snap.

Just the day before. they too were getting bottles of water and sharing a drink with these same old men…and women of course, out on the hot open Mulinu’u road, next to steel barricades.

Whatever came over our police officers?  How did they change from cuddly bears to snarling, threatening polar bears ready to bite off the heads of the same defenseless people they were with the day before?

The suggestion is that the police leaders were given a harsh talking to by their political bosses after the ‘lovey dovey’ stuff of the day earlier.

Problem with having generals sitting in a cool, air-conditioned rooms paid for by the people’s taxes, is they want you out in the frontlines doing what they tell you to do.

Whatever happens you are expendable. Someone else will take over your place and do as they are told until whatever happened to you …happens to them as well.

“….is that what this country is coming to, dear?

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