Please wish our poor Commissioner of Police, Fuiavailili speedy recovery in New Zealand where he is undergoing specialised medical treatment.

He has some very suspicious people jumping up and down on social media making wild allegations about running away from his law enforcement duties.

If you think the reaction by these people has anything to do with taking political sides you are right…absolutely.

As our top lady officer standing in for the Commissioner said, all that is being spread on social media are fake news.

True that. Still they do sting when they’re deliberate lies. No denying that.

Best way to react to made-up stories is to have a good laugh at whatever is being said about you.

Be entertained by the lively imagination some people have.  Lots of gifted story tellers on social media so it won’t hurt to enjoy all that entertainment you’re getting for free.

If they call  you a dog, it’s easy to be offended.  But play along and have a laugh imagining what life would be like being a dog, pig, horse or even an egg laying chicken.

There are cultural beliefs in some countries that you become a cow or a cat when you die.

“…..better start learning to moo and meow then, dear.

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