So our cuzzies across from Aleipata have finally found a live COVID-19 virus carrier of their own. Welcome to the real world folks.

 We’ve already had a few ones ourselves in Apia too but it has been a while since we had any to worry about it.

Not bad for this ‘lavalava’ wearing side of the family doncha think?

 Doc Leausa and his health people have been keeping watch on our travel borders for a while and have become in bird language, a cross between an eagle and an owl.

Sharp enough eyes to see clearly from a distance, big and enough to see 360 degrees without moving the head.

Would that make them ‘owleagle or eagleowl? Whatever they are or called we are all indebted to them for keeping us save from this serious health risk.

Now if you want to help go and have a vaccination injection.  

We’re still far too short of our safe target to slack off. We need to have 120-130 thousand fully vaccinated people.

Too many political distractions at the moment but that’s not going to keep COVID-19 away.

“……what kind of amen do you want for that, dear?

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